Uploading video to Google Video

Where to host that huge home video without killing your bandwidth? Never fear, Google is here. Sign up for a Google Video Upload account and you can post your videos for free for all the world to see. Some software is required to download to your computer to enable uploads, however, but Google does provide nice guides on how to install it for Windows and Mac users. The Linux version, however, can be a little cryptic, especially for those without java experience. That said, for those with Linux, here are some steps to giving yourself upload capabilities: 1. Download the jar file. Place it somewhere you won't forget too soon (I chose $HOME/bin/ ). 2. Create a file with a descriptive name, like googleupload, or whatever you wish, somewhere in your $PATH (usr/bin would be a safe bet, but I chose $HOME/bin/ ). 3. At the top of the file, type java -jar $HOME/bin/GoogleVideoUploader.jar (some versions of Linux may require a shebang line first). Substitute $HOME/bin/ for the absolute path of the jar file if you saved it elsewhere. 4. Save the file and chmod it to be executable (755 is probably a safe bet). 5. Run the executable from the terminal. Happy uploading…