Kung Fu Kick

I like martial arts. While it has been on my mind for some time to take lessons in some form, I had not really reached a point where I felt comfortable devoting that time to learning a new set of physical skills. It seems, however, that my subconscious was more than ready to begin its training. Funny story follows: At about 3:30 am this morning, I awoke to my foot bleeding profusely. Initially confused, I soon realized what had happened. While sleeping, for some inexplicable reason, I kicked out the window that is next to my bed…who knows. The window is actually quite elevated above my mattress because of the air conditioner in the window. We're talking a good four feet above my mattress. After stopping the bleeding and doing my work, I saw that I had to have really propped myself up to reach the window pane. Bizzare to the max! I wish I could say I was dreaming about playing soccer or escaping from a burning building…any reason really would have sufficed. Alas, I have no recollection of what was going on prior to me waking up having dropkicked my window. Words are helpless here to describe how funny and odd this episode has been. P.S. I'm fine, a couple scratches, nothing to be a baby about. Good protection on the mental front and all that…