One of the projects I've been helping get off the ground is I Live Inspired, an inspirational text-messaging service. The site is good, and the concept is great. One can never have too much inspiration. The founders, Rob and Chris, are on a mission. They are seeking an audience with the Dalai Lama in Indiana and are walking 7 days in hopes of getting a 7 minute audience. They are also keeping a blog of their adventures. These guys are not much older than me and are trying to get a positive service off the ground. Whether they have audience with the Dalai Lama or not, the experience of the walk, the people they've met thus far, and the people they've yet to meet, will change their lives. And we get to share in that through their writing. So take a minute, read up on what the future of America is up to, and if you want some extra inspiration delivered to your phone daily, consider signing up for one of the many great communities at I Live Inspired. * Disclaimer: While I have helped create the site, I do not receive any compensation for spreading the word. I think its a great service and deserves notice.